Sewing Beads & Seeds for change in Kenya

Every piece of jewelry and every decorative ornament here is hand-crafted by villagers in Lowangila, Kenya, as an alternative means to provide for their families. Each color pattern represents a different family’s support. Learn more in the video below, or shop now, knowing that each dollar provides food, clothing, and shelter for families across the globe.

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Be Part of the Story Where Fashion Funds Function

Black text, script font says "Akiru" and block font says "Ministries" -- over sage green circles representing raindrops.

“In the heartlands of Kenya, education for women remains scarce. Traditionally, as their husbands are away herding or serving as soldiers, these women bear the mantle of providing for their families. Previously, they relied on making charcoal by felling trees — a practice both illegal and environmentally damaging. Today, the “Sewing Beads and Seeds” initiative offers a sustainable lifeline for the village. Here, women weave intricate jewelry and ornaments, transforming their livelihoods and earning nearly double the income they once did from charcoal. This vibrant enterprise not only supports their families but also cultivates a greener, more empowered future. Our mission to bring education and resources to the people of Kenya starts in one village, and grows to empower the generations ahead.”

Abbey Barnosky – Co-Founder & CEO

Our Stories

“She is a strong Christian and she is the one whom after having her Bible phone for one week said ‘Mama Ross, we need more stories.’ She makes the beaded wrap around bracelets … She is holding her grand baby in the photo and I hope you can see her beautiful necklace she is wearing. This is a traditional style Turkana necklace.”
-Leah Fleming

“She is one of our fastest beaders. If she is close to finishing a necklace she will not leave it until the next day, she will stay until she has finished it. She is also one of our prayers warriors … She is a very pleasant person to be around and she has a deep love for our Savior.”
– Leah Fleming

“Her husband abandoned her and her children a LONG time ago. She has worked so hard to raise and provide for her children and she is one of our STRONGEST Christian women … she takes every opportunity to go to church or seminars to learn what she can from God’s Word and she is faithful to follow it.”
– Leah Fleming