Our Ministry’s Voices
Abbey Barnosky
Speaker and Teacher
I was called to women’s ministry when I was 13 years old, while I was a missionary kid in Kenya, Africa. I saw firsthand that a simple lack of knowledge about health caused unnecessary sickness, injury, and even death, to the women and children there. Since that time, I have dedicated my life to learning how to serve women spiritually and physically. Every educational opportunity, every job, every life experience has taught me valuable lessons about how to better serve women. The loss of my first child in miscarriage taught me to care for the bereaved woman. My three pregnancies taught me to care for the expectant woman. Raising my two daughters has taught me to care for the growing woman. And in 2023, God continued my education in laying my mother to rest with her savior, which taught me to care for the dying woman.
All of these stories I treasure in my heart, and I carry them as tools to fight the enemy, soothe the hurting, and empower women in various walks of life.
Abby’s Testimony from 2017
Joe Barnosky
Worship Leader and Speaker
I most closely align with the positions of C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity – not at all bored or resigned to the only logical choice, but finding myself ever-more made alive by the breath and life and presence of a living God, in the light of Whom the things of Earth go strangely dim. I believe wholeheartedly that the Scriptures contain all that is necessary; the interpretation of those Scriptures trips up many who consider themselves wise. I do not consider myself an expert in the Scriptures, but a lifelong student, always happy to learn, discuss, and grow.
Aims in Ministry
I desire to be His hands, His feet, and (quite tremblingly) His voice to those who need to be served, visited, and spoken to. To that end, I am a founding member of Akiru Ministries, an international endeavor to bring education and physical resources to underprivileged people in third-world nations, beginning in Lowangilia, Kenya.
Alan Fleming
Missionary and Speaker
Alan sustained a stroke in July of 2023, a month before he lost his wife of 27 years. He is working to overcome speech impairment, vision impairment, and walking impairment. He dedicates that majority of his days to exercises to get his strength back. Because of this he is not taking speaking engagements at the moment. But we are praying that he will be back on our roster soon!
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