Akiru: “Early Rain that Refreshes the Earth” in Turkana

In the year 2000, Alan and Leah Fleming brought their family from Texas to Kenya to begin a life-long mission of physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual aid to the nomadic tribes of Eastern Africa. The Turkana people blessed Leah with the name “Akiru” for how she refreshed their hope. Our ministry honors Leah by carrying that mission forward: to refresh the Earth by providing training, resources, and direct aid to underprivileged and underserved peoples across the globe.

How You Can Get Involved

Learn More Below to Donate to Akiru’s Projects, or Contact Us to Get Involved

Make a Difference Today

“The harvest is ripe but the workers are few” – this is universally understood, and we know that few people on Earth are free to take weeks at a time to travel to unknown parts of the world to provide aid. You can help Akiru’s workers by providing resources for them to carry out their planned work and the discovered needs in each community here.

 Support Families

In the desert, men fight to protect livestock while women burn the few trees left to produce charcoal. Slowly, we are teaching alternative gardening techniques, water conservation, and safe income projects to replace current sustenance models.

$12/Week Feeds A Family

Support Medical Needs

Lowangila has a significant portion of disabled children, chronically ill persons, and severely injured persons, in their population. Akiru Ministries seeks to help meet those needs through financial help, donated items like eyeglasses, and volunteers giving their time and skills to help educate and treat.

We Pledge $3,000 Per Month 

Support Education

Akiru is passionate about education! Your donations help us bring educational opportunities to the people of Lowangila and beyond on the truth of the gospel, improved health, illness management, Water conservation, gardening, nutrition, therapies, and more! 

5+ Ongoing Educational Projects

Saving Lives & Building Families Since 2000

Ministry Focuses

$ Given Anually

People Helped

What We Do

Abbey Barnosky, Alan and Leah’s daughter, is a certified doula with over 100 live births attended and 400+ clients served through prenatal education, postpartum care, and consultations with nurses, midwives, and doctors around how to read the signs of a mother’s body as she reaches stages and difficulties in labor. Her time in Kenya as a child birthed a passion to become an educator of women’s health issues. Her passion for ministry continues to this day as she organizes resources for Akiru to carry to the nations.

Alan Fleming continues the work that he and his wife began more than 20 years ago. Overcoming impairments from his stroke in July 2023 and Leah’s passing in August 2023, Alan is more determined than ever to see their life’s work continue to flourish, even in the arid Kenyan soil.

Akiru benefits from the fundraising experience and support of many connections in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the technical expertise of volunteers, the encouragement and guidance of friends, family, and donors, and the continuous flow of messages back and forth with villages and peoples in need. We are constantly learning, constantly growing, and continually connecting people with organizations who are able to help both locally and from afar, and when that fails, we prepare to go ourselves. We bring rain to refresh the Earth, just as Leah did.


Our Mission

In this Information Age, no one should go hungry or suffer greivous injury because of a lack of knowledge. When the Flemings reached Kenya in 2000, many were starving despite an abundance of avocados on the ground. Simple education on food preparation saved hundreds of lives then, and the work of bringing modern knowledge to far-off cultures continues today. 

Become a Sponsor. Get Involved.

The number one issue that service organizations face is an availability of funds to create self-sustaining systems among the cultures and communities that they reach. Free food does not solve world hunger – free education on how to raise food and support families does. It takes time, of course, but it also takes seeds, fertilizer, booklets, classroom space rentals, and more. Sometimes it’s a basket of clothes, and sometimes it’s a hand on a shoulder, but without travel tickets, neither will happen.

Fiscal responsibility and financial accountability are paramount to success, which is why we partner with World Outreach Missions for donation management and financial oversight. Your one-time donations and/or ongoing sponsorships of projects and people directly benefit the missions and causes they are dedicated to. 


Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Are you passionate about being the change you want to see in the world? Do you have questions about partnering with Akiru to see change happen? Reach out through letters, calls, or messages  via the form below, and we’ll be honored to take the time to discuss opportunities with you.


Call Us: (304) 203-6688

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